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Quote from Jess C. Scott, Clear: A Guide to Treating Acne Naturally

Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state. As one of my friends states on his Facebook profile: “The true Losers in Life, are not those who Try and Fail, but those who Fail to Try.

Stefan Molyneux

Quote from Stefan Molyneux

To be yourself is in many ways to be inconvenient to others. Only placaters and appeasers get along with other people all the time and that’s not really getting along with anyone. That’s just self erasure.

The Secret of Staying in Love

Quote from John Joseph Powell, The Secret of Staying in Love

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Quote from Rasheed Ogunlaru

Beware trying to iron out all your quirks, perceived flaws and doubts. It’s often these things that help you find strength, compassion, empathy for others and heart.

Quote from ArLeaBelle

Whatever one does, someone is always happy…then again, someone else is not pleased

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Quote from Roopleen, Words to inspire the winner in YOU

The world’s greatest achievers have been those who have always stayed focussed on their goals and have been consistent in their efforts.

and Being Free Life Steve Maraboli the Truth

Quote from Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

How would your life be different if…You stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the day…You stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others

Quote from Rashedur Ryan Rahman

Your comfort zone is a place where you keep yourself in a self-illusion and nothing can grow there but your potentiality can grow only when you can think and grow out of that zone.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

Dear Child, Sometimes on your travel through hell, you meet people that think they are in heaven because of their cleverness and ability to get away with things. Travel past them because they don’t understand who they have become and never will. These type of people feel justified in revenge and will never learn mercy or forgiveness because they live by comparison. They are the people that don’t care about anyone, other than who is making them feel confident. They don’t understand that their deity is not rejoicing with them because of their actions, rather he is trying to free them from their insecurities, by softening their heart. They rather put out your light than find their own. They don’t have the ability to see beyond the false sense of happiness they get from destroying others. You know what happiness is and it isn’t this. Don’t see their success as their deliverance. It is a mask of vindication which has no audience, other than their own kind. They have joined countless others that call themselves “survivors”. They believe that they are entitled to win because life didn’t go as planned for them. You are not like them. You were not meant to stay in hell and follow their belief system. You were bound for greatness. You were born to help them by leading. Rise up and be the light home. You were given the gift to see the truth. They will have an army of people that are like them and you are going to feel alone. However, your family in heaven stands beside you now. They are your strength and as countless as the stars. It is time to let go!Love, Your Guardian Angel

Michel de Montaigne The Complete Essays

Quote from Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays

The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.

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