Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.

Quote from Don Richard Riso

The testimony of the greatest humans who have ever lived is that the way to make the most of ourselves is by transcending ourselves. We must learn to move beyond self-centeredness to make room within ourselves for others. When you transcend yourself, the fact will be confirmed by the quality of your life. We will attain – even if only momentarily – a transparency and a radiance of being which results from living both within and beyond yourself. This is the promise and the excitement of self-understanding.

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Quote from J.M. Coetzee, Foe

In a world of chance is there a better and a worse? We yield to a stranger’s embrace or give ourselves to the waves; for the blink of an eyelid our vigilance relaxes; we are asleep; and when we awake, we have lost the direction of our lives. What are these blinks of an eyelid, against which the only defence is an eternal and inhuman wakefulness? Might they not be the cracks and chinks through which another voice, other voices, speak in our lives? By what right do we close our ears to them? (Susan Barton)

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

It is not until you change your identity to match your life blueprint that you will understand why everything in the past never worked.

Quote from Nina Hrusa

Die wertvollste Reise ist die Reise zu unserem Selbst.

W.H. Auden

Quote from W.H. Auden, Markings

I am sure it is everyone’s experience, as it has been mine, that any discovery we make about ourselves or the meaning of life is never, like a scientific discovery, a coming upon something entirely new and unsuspected; it is rather, the coming to conscious recognition of something, which we really knew all the time but, because we were unwilling to formulate it correctly, we did not hitherto know we knew.

Quote from Peprah Boasiako

Don’t play the victim role, empower yourself instead. Place yourself and others around you in a position to win.

Quote from Nina Hrusa

Later that day when I walked down this dried-out riverbed, enjoying the last rays of sunshine on my bare skin, I felt a deep inner peace coming up straight from my heart.

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Quote from Mohadesa Najumi

Your fear of becoming a cliche is what turns you into one. If you remove the fear, we are all really walking contradictions, hypocrites and paradoxical cliches

Quote from Bev Flynn

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