Oliver James

Quote from Oliver James

Do your own thing on your own terms and get what you came here for

Majid Kazmi The First Dancer: How to be the first among equals and attract unlimited opportunities

Quote from Majid Kazmi, The First Dancer: How to be the first among equals and attract unlimited opportunities

Pursuit of contentment is not the pursuit of an elusive tomorrow; it is the celebration of today. In that, it is the pursuit to end all pursuits.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Quote from Rasheed Ogunlaru

Expectation has brought me disappointment. Disappointment has brought me wisdom. Acceptance, gratitude and appreciation have brought me joy and fulfilment.

Henry David Thoreau

Quote from Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience and Other Essays

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things..

Sarah Dessen The Truth About Forever

Quote from Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

What you have to decide… is how you want your life to be. If your forever was ending tomorrow, would this be how you’d want to have spent it? Listen, the truth is, nothing is guaranteed. You know that more than anybody. So dont be afraid. Be alive.

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