fitness Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | fitness

Exercise is labor without weariness.

experience Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | experience

All theory is against freedom of the will all experience for it.

equality Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | equality

Disease generally begins that equality which death completes.

equality Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | equality

Subordination tends greatly to human happiness. Were we all upon an equality, we should have no other enjoyment than mere animal pleasure.

equality Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | equality

It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.

Dreams Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | dreams

The world is seldom what it seems to man, who dimly sees, realities appear as dreams, and dreams realities.

design Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | design

Many things difficult to design prove easy to performance.

Death Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | death

Prepare for death, if here at night you roam, and sign your will before you sup from home.

Death Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | death

Disease generally begins that equality which death completes.

courage Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson | courage

He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.

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