movingon Romain Rolland

Romain Rolland | movingon

One makes mistakes that is life. But it is never a mistake to have loved.

Faith Romain Rolland

Romain Rolland | faith

Skepticism, riddling the faith of yesterday, prepared the way for the faith of tomorrow.

Dreams Romain Rolland

Romain Rolland | dreams

If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.

business Romain Rolland

Romain Rolland | business

It is the artist’s business to create sunshine when the sun fails.

Romain Rolland

Quote from Romain Rolland, Jean Christophe Vol I

But perhaps there are in us forces other than mind and heart, other even than the senses – mysterious forces which take hold of us in the moments when the others are asleep; and perhaps it was such forces that Melchior had found in the depths of those pale eyes which had looked at him so timidly one evening when he had accosted the girl on the bank of the river, and had sat down beside her in the reeds – without knowing why – and had given her his hand.

Romain Rolland

Quote from Romain Rolland, Above the Battle

Discussion is impossible with someone who claims not to seek the truth, but already to possess it.

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