
Rebecca Lobo | travel

Ridiculous stuff happens when I travel.


Rebecca Lobo | sports

There’s nothing masculine about being competitive. There’s nothing masculine about trying to be the best at everything you do, nor is there anything wrong with it. I don’t know why a female athlete has to defend her femininity just because she chooses to play sports.


Rebecca Lobo | positive

I think every time I go in a game, I have added something positive. I have gotten a rebound or made a defensive play. That is what I try to focus on.


Rebecca Lobo | mom

In third grade, I was taking tap-dance lessons, and about six weeks before the recital I wanted to quit. My mom said, ‘No, you’re going to stay with it.’ Well, I did it, and I was bad, too! But my parents never let their kids walk away from something because it was too hard.

Behind the blog, i am a full time working mom of 3 amazing kiddos, addison, brendan, and ellie. Felis id cursus vestibulum lorem quam vivamus. The gravatar service privacy policy is available here : https : //automattic.