Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie

Quote from Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

We’re so wrapped up with egotistical things, career, family, having enough money, meeting the mortgage, getting a new car, fixing the radiator when it breaks—we’re involved in trillions of little acts just to keep going. So we don’t get into the habit of standing back and looking at our lives and saying, Is this all? Is this all I want? Is something missing?


Quote from Upanishad

Who sees the many and not the one, wanders on from death to death.Even by the mind this truth is to be learned: there are not many but only one. Who sees variety and not the unity wanders on from death to death.

All Quotes

Quote from Allan Rufus

Your inner strength is your outer foundation


Quote from Osho

With me, illusions are bound to be shattered. I am here to shatter all illusions. Yes, it will irritate you, it will annoy you – that’s my way of functioning and working. I will sabotage you from your very roots! Unless you are totally destroyed as a mind, there is no hope for you.

The Infernals

Quote from John Connolly, The Infernals

When did you get so clever?””When I realized I wasn’t as clever as I thought.

Create Your Own Net Worth Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja, Create Your Own Net Worth

We fail to often realize that every man has an innate worth.

Koizora (Love Sky) Volume 3

Quote from Ibuki Haneda, Koizora (Love Sky), Volume 3

Mika: Were you happy?Hiro: I was so happy.

Ryan Troske The Rising

Quote from Ryan Troske, The Rising

No matter what each day brings — the trials and tribulations that may cross my path, the turmoil, the ugliness — when I look at this picture I’m reminded that life is precious and there is still beauty in this world.


Quote from Osho

One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don’t leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind.

Quote from J. Cornell Michel, Jordan’s Brains: A Zombie Evolution

I like living in my head because in there, everyone is kind and innocent. Once you start integrating yourself into the world, you realize that people are nasty, mean creatures. They’re worse than zombies. People try to crush your soul and destroy your happiness, but zombies just want to have a little nibble of your brain.

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