amazing Raymond E. Feist

Quote from Raymond E. Feist | amazing


Prince of the Blood Raymond E. Feist

Quote from Raymond E. Feist, Prince of the Blood

But should you ever come to a time when you need to say something upon my behalf, say this, ‘The last truth is that there is no magic.

Raymond E. Feist Talon of the Silver Hawk

Quote from Raymond E. Feist, Talon of the Silver Hawk

why do I want to appear to be drinking more than I am?”Make it a habit. Men in their cups are fools, more often than not. And it can be wise to look the fool at times.

Raymond E. Feist Silverthorn

Quote from Raymond E. Feist, Silverthorn

Life is problems. Living is solving problems.

Raymond E. Feist Talon of the Silver Hawk

Quote from Raymond E. Feist, Talon of the Silver Hawk

The ways of the heart are complex.” He looked out at the ocean again. “The waves churn and break upon the rocks, Talon. So do human feelings. Passion can be a man’s undoing. With passion must come wisdom; otherwise, your enemies have a weapon to use against you.

Raymond E. Feist Talon of the Silver Hawk

Quote from Raymond E. Feist, Talon of the Silver Hawk

Robert had taught him to keep his thoughts in the present or near future, for as Robert had told him, To dwell in the past is to live in regret.

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