Nikki Giovanni

Quote from Nikki Giovanni

I love you because no two snowflakes are alike, and it is possible, if you stand tippy-toe, to walk between the raindrops.

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Quote from Israelmore Ayivor, 101 Keys To Everyday Passion

God is willing to help you with the rain if only you can sow your crops.

Nina Hrusa

Quote from Nina Hrusa

Es sind tausend Tropfenin einer Weltnur für uns gemachtTausend Tropfenwenn der Himmel weintund man dennoch lacht

Tite Kubo Volume 01

Quote from Tite Kubo, Bleach, Volume 01

If I were rain, That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch,Could I join two hearts as well?

Trees & Other Poems

Quote from Joyce Kilmer, Trees & Other Poems

I think that I shall never seeA poem lovely as a tree.A tree whose hungry mouth is pressedAgainst the earth’s sweet flowing breast;A tree that looks at God all dayAnd lifts her leafy arms to pray;A tree that may in summer wearA nest of robins in her hair;Upon whose bosom snow has lain;Who intimately lives with rain.Poems are made by fools like me,But only God can make a tree.

Roman Payne Rooftop Soliloquy

Quote from Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy

It’s not that we have to quit this life one day, but it’s how many things we have to quit all at once: music, laughter,the physics of falling leaves, automobiles, holding hands,the scent of rain, the concept of subway trains… if only one could leave this life slowly!

Quote from Hilary Duff

Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing.” ~ Sam (Hilary Duff), A Cinderella Story

Susan Ertz

Quote from Susan Ertz

… millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

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Quote from Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

The magic of purpose and of love in its purest form. Not televison love, with its glare and hollow and sequined glint; not sex and allure, all high shoes and high drama, everything both too small and in too much excess, but just love. Love like rain, like the smell of a tangerine, like a surprise found in your pocket.


Quote from Unknown

If you think only sunshine brings you happiness, then you have not danced in the rain

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