Quote Me Everyday Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

Wake up, Shake up, Make up and Break up; life is all about moving like ant in search of sugar not sand.

Quote Me Everyday Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

Every beginning has an end and every end is a new beginning.

Quote Me Everyday Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

A student to teacher: “I am so alone; I don’t know what to do?” Teacher: “Do not worry about being alone, we always come alone and go alone. In a very sweet accident, we meet others who are alone and start to be part of them in various forms of relationships such as friends, husband, wife, mother, father, sister and so on. So, life is about sharing a moment together, not thinking as if you are alone.

Quote Me Everyday Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

Do what you love, think what you feel and live the way you want.

Quote Me Everyday Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

Have you ever seen the stars in the night? See them closely, they will tell you, how to be open, how to love and how to shine and twinkle without any differences and jealousy of other stars.

Quote Me Everyday Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar, Quote Me Everyday

All the problem of women, starts with men. All the problem of men, ends with women.

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