Thomas S. Monson

Quote from Thomas S. Monson

When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes.

Paula Poundstone The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness

Quote from Paula Poundstone, The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness

Deep-rooted happiness may require a sense of purpose. If I don’t feel that I am in some small way contributing to the greater good, holding on to happiness is like carrying water in my hands.

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

To be productive, effective and to live a life of understanding and wisdom is not to waste time

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

Occupy the earth with the multiplication of yourself

Roy Bennett

Quote from Roy Bennett

Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.

All Quotes

Quote from Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

The magic of purpose and of love in its purest form. Not televison love, with its glare and hollow and sequined glint; not sex and allure, all high shoes and high drama, everything both too small and in too much excess, but just love. Love like rain, like the smell of a tangerine, like a surprise found in your pocket.

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

Joblessness gives you the resource through which you can create a new you

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja, Insulted by Ungodliness: Raising a Generation of the Provoked in Every Nation

When you see injustice among the nations, you will find out that the root cause is covetousnes.

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

Put your converted time into something productive

Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

Use time to discover who you are

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