Richard Avedon

Quote from Richard Avedon

A portrait is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.

Nikki Sixx Photography This Is Gonna Hurt: Music

Quote from Nikki Sixx, This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography, And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx

Love those who hurt you the most, because they are probably the ones closest to you.They, too, are on a path, and just like you they are learning to walk before they can fly. Imagine of everybody you hurt in life turned their backs on you? You would be playing a hell of a lot of solitaire. Love them no matter what.

Marc Riboud

Quote from Marc Riboud

Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.

Quote from Arno Rafael Minkkinen

art is risk made visible

Quote from Dorothea Lange

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.

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