Neil deGrasse Tyson

Quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson

I know that the molecules in my body are traceable to phenomena in the cosmos. That makes me want to grab people on the street and say: ‘Have you HEARD THIS?

Secondhand World

Quote from Katherine Min, Secondhand World

It’s a secondhand world we’re born into. What is novel to us is only so because we’re newborn, and what we cannot see, that has come before- what our parents have seen and been and done- are the hand-me-downs we begin to wear as swaddling clothes, even as we ourselves are naked. The flaw runs through us, implicating us in its imperfection even as it separates us, delivers us onto opposite sides of a chasm. It is both terribly beautiful and terribly sad, but it is, finally, the fault in the universe that gives birth to us all.

William Ralph Inge

Quote from William Ralph Inge

The world as it is is the world as God sees it, not as we see it. Our vision is distorted, not so much by the limits of finitude as by sin and ignorance. But the more we raise ourselves in the scale of being, the more will our ideas about God and the world correspond to reality.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

Your most important “want” should be the one you can control!

Steven Wright

Quote from Steven Wright

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.

Richelle E. Goodrich Slaying Dragons

Quote from Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons

Happiness is a frame of mind. It is a state of thinking. It is an attitude, a headset, a mentality. Happiness is a disposition and demeanor. It is a mood and sensibility. It is a philosophy, a notion, a tone, an outlook and perspective. Happiness is all of these things, none of which exist separate from me. They cannot be extracted or stolen because they constitute my very being. Therefore, happiness must be the natural essence of me.

Neel Burton

Quote from Neel Burton, Heaven and Hell: The Psychology of the Emotions

True humility derives from a proper perspective of our human condition: one among billions on a small planet among billions, like a fungus on a tiny fragment of cheese. Of course, it is nearly impossible for human beings to remain this objective for very long, but truly humble people are nonetheless far more conscious of the insignificance of their true relations, an insignificance that verges on non-existence. A speck of dust does not think itself more superior or inferior than another, nor does it concern itself for what other specks of dust might or might not think. Enthralled by the miracle of existence, the truly humble person lives not for herself or her image, but for life itself, in a condition of pure peace and pleasure.

Roy T. Bennett

Quote from Roy T. Bennett

Learning to focus on the big picture will help you keep things in a proper perspective.

Robin McKinley Spindle's End

Quote from Robin McKinley, Spindle’s End

Oh, why does compassion weaken us?’It doesn’t, really … Somewhere where it all balances out – don’t the philosophers have a name for it, the perfect place, the place where the answers live? – if we could go there, you could see it doesn’t. It only looks, a little bit, like it does, from here, like an ant at the foot of an oak tree. He doesn’t have a clue that it’s a tree; it’s the beginning of the wall round the world, to him.

My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut Toba Beta

Quote from Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

When you feel life at crossroads,you need higher perspective view.

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