Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Wisdom Keys In Words: A collection of the Inspirational words that will change your life

If you wish to be and remain successful, invest a minimum of five to ten per cent of your income each month and your time each day on your personal growth and development.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Greatness is achieved when you fulfil your purpose by doing what you were born to do.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Success may create excitement, but only significance leads to fulfilment.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that your dreams, desires or goals are more important than fear.

Experiencing Fulfilment and Achieving Success in Any Area of Life Mensah Oteh Reaching Your Potential The Best Chance: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Best Chance: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose, Reaching Your Potential, Experiencing Fulfilment and Achieving Success in Any Area of Life

Your life is a direct reflection of your level of investment in yourself, and your success or the lack of it is often decided by your personal development level.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

To become successful you have to dream big. Small dreams don’t have the magic to stir up passion and greatness within you.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

You are a product of the stories you believe and accept.

Experiencing Fulfilment and Achieving Success in Any Area of Life Mensah Oteh Reaching Your Potential The Best Chance: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Best Chance: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose, Reaching Your Potential, Experiencing Fulfilment and Achieving Success in Any Area of Life

The greatest people in history were those who lived a life of significance and service. You can join them if you’re willing to serve.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Your ego does not need to be crushed, it needs to be redeemed.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

The most important relationship in your life should be your relationship with yourself.

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