All Quotes

Quote from Jeaniene Frost, Death’s Excellent Vacation

By the time Bones announced it was Tammy’s turn, I’d fallen in love with him all over again. Flowers and jewelry worked for most girls as a romantic gesture, but here I was, misty-eyed at watching him show my mother how to stab the shit out of him.

Richelle Mead

Quote from Richelle Mead, Frostbite

I should go,” I said thickly. “Let me know when you want to start practice again. And thanks for…talking.”I started to turn; then I heard him say abruptly, “No.”I glanced back. “What?”He held my gaze, and something warm and wonderful and powerful shot between us.”No,” he repeated. “I told her no.””I…” I shut my mouth before my jaw hit the floor. “But…why? That was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You could have had a baby. And she…she was, you know, into you…”The ghost of a smile flickered on his face. “Yes, she was. Is. And that’s why I had to say no. I couldn’t return that…couldn’t give her what she wanted. Not when…” He took a few steps toward me. “Not when my heart is somewhere else.

There Once Was A Boy

Quote from Dee Remy, There Once Was A Boy

When you are in a room with Kurtis, whether its one or a hundred he is the only person that matters.

Priya Ardis

Quote from Priya Ardis, Ever My Merlin

Do you think we can be friends?” I asked.He stared up at the ceiling. “Probably not, but we can pretend.

The Devilin Fey

Quote from Jess C. Scott, The Devilin Fey

I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are.

Richelle Mead

Quote from Richelle Mead

Things on the essential list: vodka, Nine Inch Nails, a steady supply of mortal men, and an all-purpose bitchy attitude.

Kresley Cole The Warlord Wants Forever

Quote from Kresley Cole, The Warlord Wants Forever

When she scooped up her clothes, opened his door, then snapped her fingers for a guard down the hall, Wroth watched like a bystander. “Pssst. Minion. I need these laundered. Very little starch. Don’t just stand there gawking or you’ll anger my good frenemy General Wroth. We’re like this.”He couldn’t see her but knew she was twining two fingers together.

Richelle Mead

Quote from Richelle Mead, Blood Promise

I’d said it before and meant it: Alive or undead, the love of my life was a badass.

Rachel Caine

Quote from Rachel Caine, Glass Houses

Run first,’ Shane said. ‘Mourn later.’It was the perfect motto for Morganville.

Richelle Mead

Quote from Richelle Mead, Blood Promise

Okay, God, I thought. Get me out of this and I’ll stop my half-assed church-going ways. You got me past a pack of Strigoi tonight. I mean, trapping that one between the doors really shouldn’t have worked, so clearly you’re on board. Let me get out of here, and I’ll…I don’t know. Donate Adrian’s money to the poor. Get baptized. Join a convent. Well, no. Not that last one.

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