medical Tama Janowitz

Tama Janowitz | medical

On bad days, I think I’d like to be a plastic surgeon who goes to Third World countries and operates on children in villages with airlifts, and then I think, ‘Yeah, right, I’m going to go back to undergraduate school and take all the biology I missed and then go to medical school.’ No. No.


Richard Dooling | medical

And it was back in the mid-1980s, and as I point out in a piece, that was when we are spending about eight percent of our gross domestic product on health care. And even then, we had the impression that so much of the excessive, aggressive medical treatment that took place at the end of life was not only unnecessary but it was cruel.


John Paul Stevens | medical

To make a coverage decision, doesn’t one have to make a medical judgment?


Ernest Lawrence | medical

In the Radiation Laboratory we count it a privilege to do everything we can to assist our medical colleagues in the application of these new tools to the problems of human suffering.


Richard Reeves | medical

Kennedy lied and lied about his health while he was alive, even using his father’s influence to get into the Navy without ever taking a medical examination.


Richard Reeves | medical

After he was assassinated, his family and the men who had served him continued the lying and began the destruction, censoring and hiding of JFK’s medical records.


Jonathan Kellerman | medical

I don’t practice, but I am still officially in paediatrics. I keep in touch with journals, and I have a very good data bank of medical information and there is a key thing for a writer knowing where to go. I know where to go to get the information that I need.


Jeff Raikes | medical

When families save, they can get through emergencies like a bad harvest or a medical emergency. But it’s more than that. They can also plan for the future, gradually saving up for a small business or for their children’s school tuition.


Laurent Lamothe | medical

Canadians have been very generous toward Haiti after the earthquake and, thanks to you, our most vulnerable people have received food, drinkable water, shelter, medical care and education. For that, we are extremely grateful.


Abe Lemons | medical

You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him ‘Doctor.’

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