medical Ryan White

Ryan White | medical

Listening to medical facts was not enough. People wanted one hundred percent guarantees.


Pauline Hanson | medical

The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are forced to seek medication on the black market.


Jim Cooper | medical

If we don’t change, millions of American families are just one medical emergency, or one layoff, away from financial disaster and bankruptcy.


Garry Trudeau | medical

Medical decisions have been politicized. What doctor wants a state legislator in his consulting room?


Albert Claude | medical

When I went to the University, the medical school was the only place where one could hope to find the means to study life, its nature, its origins, and its ills.

medical Tom Allen

Tom Allen | medical

I do not believe that Congress or the Administration should prohibit the medical community from pursuing a promising avenue of research that may improve the lives of millions of Americans.


Eli Wallach | medical

I’d come out of the army after five years as a medic. I was a medical administrator and we ran hospitals, and I was a Captain in the army at the end, in 1945.


George Pataki | medical

We also have a program in place for low income people. A family of four making $26,000 a year can receive medical coverage, irrespective of citizenship or what documents.


David Axelrod | medical

No one wants to go back to a situation where, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, you, you can be deprived of coverage. No one wants to go back to a situation where, if you get seriously ill, you can get thrown off your insurance. Seniors don’t want to go back to paying more for their prescription drugs.


Nicholas D. Kristof | medical

There is an element of anger among women who’ve been raped. There’s certainly a major element of humiliation. But it really does seem like a medical condition of shock and horror.

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