Ernest Istook medical

Ernest Istook | medical

We cannot sacrifice innocent human life now for vague and exaggerated promises of medical treatments thirty of forty years from now. There are ways to pursue this technology and respect life at the same time.


Jami Gertz | medical

The great medical facilities are a relief for the parents, too, who don’t have to think about caring for their young ones on their own for a weekend. They have a great time.


Jan Schakowsky | medical

Community health centers do a great deal with limited resources. They provide critical medical care services to many who would otherwise have no other place to go or would end up in an emergency room.


Jim Gerlach | medical

Long gone are the days when hospital stays and surgeries made up the bulk of seniors’ annual medical expenses.


Bob McDonnell | medical

Informed consent is required for every invasive medical procedure, from getting your ears pierced to having an abortion.


Jim Gerlach | medical

Without true medical liability reform, our doctors will continue to leave, and young doctors coming out of medical school $100,000 to $200,000 in debt will not be able to afford such onerous costs.


Iris Chang | medical

The whole story of the comfort women, the system of forced sexual slavery, the medical experiments of Unit 731, is not something that is in the US psyche. That is changing because many books are coming out.

medical Sebastian Junger

Sebastian Junger | medical

I decided to start a medical training program for freelancers, only freelancers. They’re the ones who are doing most of the combat reporting. They’re taking most of the risks. They’re absorbing most of the casualties. And they’re the most underserved and under-resourced of everyone in the entire news business.


Laurel Clark | medical

The Navy’s paid for you to go through school, and then they need doctors to go out and take care of people who are in various different parts of the world. I decided to pay back my time first as an undersea medical officer. I was stationed in Scotland.


Betty Hill | medical

Only medical hypnosis is capable of opening up amnesia.

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