Marilyn Manson music

Marilyn Manson | music

Music is the strongest form of magic.

Marilyn Manson money

Marilyn Manson | money

My goal isn’t to make money, it’s to try and survive and make a point.

Marilyn Manson marriage

Marilyn Manson | marriage

Marriage changes everything.

Love Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | love

When you’re taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love?

jealousy Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | jealousy

I am drawn to women who are independent and creative, which is problematic because it’s a struggle, a competition of careers. There’s jealousy.

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | imagination

I can’t satisfy myself with just trying to tie all of my imagination into music, especially when music is not appreciated as an art form as much as it used to be.

Home Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | home

If one more ‘journalist’ makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans’ help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech.

God Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | god

I think art is the only thing that’s spiritual in the world. And I refuse to forced to believe in other people’s interpretations of God. I don’t think anybody should be. No one person can own the copyright to what God means.

freedom Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | freedom

Art gives me the freedom I don’t have when I make music.

freedom Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson | freedom

If one more ‘journalist’ makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans’ help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech.

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