Stephanie Lahart

Quote from Stephanie Lahart

Above everything else, genuinely love yourself first. Self-love is powerful and it’s the best love that you will ever have. When you love who YOU are, your relationships will be healthier and your life will be happier. Self-love sets the standard in how we allow others to treat us and how we treat ourselves. Your happiness and well-being is important. Protect it by always valuing who you are!

Stalina Goodwin

Quote from Stalina Goodwin, Dear Beautiful: 31 Days of Affirmations for Women

Often our understanding of ourselves can be ruined by the way we are treated, by things we have done that we are ashamed of, things we have gone through and by our inability to comprehend our own personal loveliness. You have to choose to believe the truth about you which is, you are lovable. You are not a screw up who messes everything up. You are valuable and you are not a waste of space. The world would not be better off without you, in fact, you have a gift to give the world. You have a story that someone else needs to hear.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Quote from Rasheed Ogunlaru

Beware trying to iron out all your quirks, perceived flaws and doubts. It’s often these things that help you find strength, compassion, empathy for others and heart.

Rain Cooper

Quote from Rain Cooper

What if we treated the ones we loved the same way we treated ourselves?

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