encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

To get to ‘yes’ from ‘no’, you may have to journey through ‘maybe’.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

Don’t live your life in the future without any planned rewards for your effort and sacrifices today.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Create in your mind a picture of what you want and then live that vision as if it already exists.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

A mediocre idea acted on is of more value than a handful of brilliant ideas that remain in your mind.

The Missing Manual to Love Tracie Sage

Quote from Tracie Sage, The Missing Manual to Love, Marriage and Intimacy: A Proactive Path to Happily Ever After

Happily ever after doesn’t just happen because you’ve found the love of your life. Happiness is a personal choice.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

To be successful choose an area of focus in life. It will identify where your energy should be invested and (more importantly) the source of your joy and success.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Life should not be measured by duration alone but by donation also, by what you do during your lifetime.

Suzy Kassem

Quote from Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

A relationship that is truly genuine does not keep changing its colors. Real gold never rusts. If a relationship is really solid and golden, it will be unbreakable. Not even Time can destroy its shine.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Don’t be naïve – appearance matters. Style comes before substance during first impressions. People judge based on what they see before they find out what’s within.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Commit to the lifestyle of investing in you first. It always produces the best return.

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