good Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan | good

On a day when you’re tired, it’s important to just say good morning to everyone so they’re kind of aware that it’s gonna be a good day. Jamie Lee Curtis told me that.

good Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan | good

Say ‘no’ more than ‘yes,’ and just make sure you surround yourself with good people.

good Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan | good

Everyone has highs and lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start off with a good head on my shoulders, saying to myself, ‘It’s going to be a good day!’.

future Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan | future

When I was a kid, I thought movie stars were women and men who were in these great films that we still look at now. But I don’t think there are too many films coming out these days that we’re going to look at in the future and say, ‘This is one of the great ones.’

dating Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan | dating

My mom is going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people. But I don’t want to put myself in the position where I’m in a monogamous relationship right now. I’m not dating just one person. ‘Sex and the City’ changed everything for me because those girls would sleep with so many people.

car Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan | car

I want to be remembered for the work that I’ve done, rather than the car accidents that I’ve gotten into, the men that I’ve not dated – or the man that I have.

beauty Lindsay Lohan

Quote from Lindsay Lohan | beauty


amazing Lindsay Lohan

Quote from Lindsay Lohan | amazing


age Lindsay Lohan

Quote from Lindsay Lohan | age


age Lindsay Lohan

Quote from Lindsay Lohan | age


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