Amit Ray Walking the Path of Compassion

Quote from Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion

Some fish love to swim upstream. Some people love to overcome challenges.

Roman Payne The Wanderess

Quote from Roman Payne, The Wanderess

What is a Wanderess? Bound by no boundaries, contained by no countries, tamed by no time, she is the force of nature’s course.

Roy T. Bennett The Light in the Heart

Quote from Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Don’t JustDon’t just learn, experience.Don’t just read, absorb.Don’t just change, transform.Don’t just relate, advocate.Don’t just promise, prove.Don’t just criticize, encourage.Don’t just think, ponder.Don’t just take, give.Don’t just see, feel.Don’t just dream, do. Don’t just hear, listen.Don’t just talk, act.Don’t just tell, show.Don’t just exist, live.


Quote from Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

There is a depth to life which only comes from our connection to other people. However, we have to find it without becoming a prisoner.

Roy T. Bennett The Light in the Heart

Quote from Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

If you believe very strongly in something, stand up and fight for it.

Wayne Gerard Trotman

Quote from Wayne Gerard Trotman

Deliver more than you promise and earn the respect and gratitude of the intelligent, the wise, and the honourable.

Roy T. Bennett The Light in the Heart

Quote from Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Life is short. Focus on what really matters most. You have to change your priorities over time.

Quote from Alex Morritt, Impromptu Scribe

How initially ‘to get her in the sack’ and subsequently to avoid ‘her giving you the sack’ are not identical dilemmas faced by the male species, but they sure have a bizarre habit of being bedfellows

Savania China

Quote from Savania China

Be smart. You Only Die Once -YODO

All Quotes

Quote from Mercedes Lackey, Brightly Burning

There’s no such thing as `one, true way’; the only answers worth having are the ones you find for yourself; leave the world better than you found it. Love, freedom, and the chance to do some good — they’re the things worth living and dying for, and if you aren’t willing to die for the things worth living for, you might as well turn in your membership in the human race.

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