Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar

A child fish asks mother fish, ‘Mother, why cannot we live on the Earth?’ Mother fish replied, ‘Dear… it is not the place for fish, it is the place for selfish

Quote from Zack Love, Anissa’s Redemption

But I did feel the vertigo of death’s invitation, beckoning me towards the dark waters below. Only a newfound perspective and desire steadied my wavering soul. I came to realize, just in time, that suicide was far too easy – and obscenely cowardly – after someone I knew, not even half my age, had been through so much worse and still marched gloriously on.

All Quotes

Quote from Najwa Zebian, Mind Platter

Don’t tell me there’s no place for innocent hearts in this world. Don’t tell me I need to accept what I don’t believe in. I respect it. Don’t confuse my values for my stubbornness, although I am stubborn. Don’t confuse my positive attitude for being naive. Allow me to wrap my heart around you for a moment. Listen to this. Innocent hearts may not belong anywhere in this world but they are big enough for any heart in this world. Innocent hearts belong in innocent hearts. Innocent hearts belong in the hearts of those who genuinely want happiness.

Quote from Zack Love, Anissa’s Redemption

She was somehow this damaged creature I had fortuitously encountered along my path and now cared about as a result. Granted, I didn’t cause her harm, as I did with Icarus, but I somehow began to feel responsible for her welfare.

Tove Jansson

Quote from Tove Jansson, Moominvalley in November

Можно лежать на мосту и смотреть, как течет вода. Или бегать, или побродить по болоту в красных сапожках, или же свернуться клубочком и слушать, как дождь стучит по крыше. Быть счастливой очень легко.

Roy T. Bennett The Light in the Heart

Quote from Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

You attract who you are being. When you work at being the type of person that you want to attract, you attract those kinds of people into your life.

Santosh Kalwar

Quote from Santosh Kalwar

I was lost yesterday, I am found today and I will be forgotten tomorrow.

Quote from Jennifer White – Strong Heart Awakening

Dive down into the deepest depth of your soul there you will find your ocean of wisdom.

Roy T. Bennett The Light in the Heart

Quote from Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

Roy T. Bennett The Light in the Heart

Quote from Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy.

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