
Katey Sagal | teacher

Being a mother has been my greatest teacher and also the most self-sacrificing thing I’ve ever done.


Katey Sagal | mom

I’m a better mother if I’m also doing my work. Some women find a lot more satisfaction from doing the hardest job, which is being a mom. But I like my day job, so I juggle a lot.


Katey Sagal | marriage

For me it’s also – the music is equally as important. I mean I think as somebody who writes music, there just has to sort of be the marriage between both.


Katey Sagal | home

I have a little kitchen office at home, where I do all my kids’ stuff.


Katey Sagal | funny

‘Married with Children’ was racy. It was sexist. It was a lot of things, but mostly it was funny.


Katey Sagal | family

I do a lot of writing about my family.


Katey Sagal | faith

Um, I have an enormous faith in God. I have an enormous support system that also has that same belief.


Quote from Katey Sagal | amazing


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Quote from Katey Sagal, Grace Notes: My Recollections

Me, well, there is meaning to the work and things I’ve done. But I never started an exercise revolution. I never became controversial because of my political beliefs. I don’t believe I’ve affected change on a grand scale. I think I made a contribution. I know I’ve made people laugh. Through characters I have played, I’ve certainly allowed people to access their own expression of sadness or remorse, anger or disappointment. I’ve always believed that being an actor is a great service job. And I am of service. But it’s just a job. So much of the glitz and fame, I can’t even remember. I have blank spots where spotlights have been. It’s easier for me to remember the ordinary goings-on of my life, because that’s what my life is most of the time. It’s just a life. Mine, like yours, has moaned and groaned. Stretched and turned. Sometimes good, oftentimes bad. People up and gone, love found and thrown away. Many moments make up a life. I am surprised by how many of my fame moments are blank spots. The volume turned down. Fame wants to turn up the volume on everything. It wears me out and intrudes on my need for solitude.

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