All Quotes

Quote from Kasie West, By Your Side

Even though I knew this might end in heartbreak, that he might make my life scary and complicated and unpredictable, I knew I couldn’t let him walk away. Because I knew he’d also make my life happy and comforting and full.

The Distance Between Us

Quote from Kasie West, The Distance Between Us

Mrs. Spence picks up a roll of toilet paper from the counter and scrunches her nose.“Ask Caymen about that,” Xander says.Great, now I have to explain to his mother about my vandalism? “Your son called me with a toilet paper emergency. I rushed right over.”She looks confused so Xander says, “She’s kidding, Mom.

Pivot Point

Quote from Kasie West, Pivot Point

My bookcase is all yours.”I walked to the door. “I’ve just decided that those are my favorite five words in the world.

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