Food Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates | food

If food is poetry, is not poetry also food?

experience Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates | experience

Yes, I’ve listened to just a few audiobooks – but hope to listen to more. I’ve wanted to investigate how my own books sound in this format and find the experience of listening, and not reading, quite fascinating.

experience Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates | experience

Anyone who teaches knows that you don’t really experience a text until you’ve taught it, in loving detail, with an intelligent and responsive class.

car Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates | car

If you are a writer you locate yourself behind a wall of silence and no matter what you are doing, driving a car or walking or doing housework you can still be writing, because you have that space.

alone Joyce Carol Oates

Quote from Joyce Carol Oates | alone


Joyce Carol Oates

Quote from Joyce Carol Oates, We Were the Mulvaneys

For what are the words with which to summarize a lifetime, so much crowded confused happiness terminated by such stark slow-motion pain?

Joyce Carol Oates

Quote from Joyce Carol Oates, Mudwoman

The challenge is to resist circumstances. Any idiot can be happy in a happy place, but moral courage is required to be happy in a hellhole.

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