
John Green | teen

We don’t tend to write about disease in fiction – not just teen novels but all American novels – because it doesn’t fit in with our idea of the heroic romantic epic. There is room only for sacrifice, heroism, war, politics and family struggle.


John Green | romantic

We don’t tend to write about disease in fiction – not just teen novels but all American novels – because it doesn’t fit in with our idea of the heroic romantic epic. There is room only for sacrifice, heroism, war, politics and family struggle.


John Green | relationship

Teenage readers also have a different relationship with the authors whose work they value than adult readers do. I loved Toni Morrison, but I don’t have any desire to follow her on Twitter. I just want to read her books.


John Green | politics

We don’t tend to write about disease in fiction – not just teen novels but all American novels – because it doesn’t fit in with our idea of the heroic romantic epic. There is room only for sacrifice, heroism, war, politics and family struggle.

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Quote from John Green, An Abundance of Katherines

The feeling of loving her and being loved by her welled up in him, and he could taste the adrenaline in the back of his throat, and maybe it wasn’t over, and maybe he could feel her hand in his again and hear her loud, brash voice contort itself into a whisper to say I-love-you as if it were a secret, and an immense one.

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Quote from John Green

He shook his head, just looking at me. – “What?” I asked.- “Nothing” he said.- “Why are you looking at me like that?”Augustus half smiled. “Because you`re beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence.” A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: “I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in oblivion and everything.”I kind of scoffed or sighed or exhaled in a way that was vaguely coughy and then said, “I`m not beau-“- “You are like a millennial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman.”- “Never seen it.”- “Really?” he asked. “Pixie-haired gorgeous girl dislikes authority and can`t help but fall for a boy she knows is trouble. It`s your autobiography, so far as I can tell.”His every syllable flirted. Honestly, he kind of turned me on. I didn`t even know that guys could turn me on – not, like, in real life.

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Quote from John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson

NO. No no no. I don’t want to screw you. I just love you. When did who you want to screw become the whole game? Since when is the person you want to screw the only person you get to love? It’s so stupid, Tiny! I mean, Jesus, who even gives a fuck about sex?! People act like it’s the most important thing humans do, but come on. How can our sentient fucking lives revolve around something slugs can do. I mean, who you want to screw and whether you screw them? Those are important questions, I guess. But they’re not that important. You know what’s important? Who would you die for? Who do you wake up at five forty-five in the morning for even though you don’t even know why he needs you? Whose drunken nose would you pick?!

Turtles All the Way Down

Quote from John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

The thing about a spiral is, if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening, infinitely.

Paper Towns

Quote from John Green, Paper Towns

Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will

Looking for Alaska

Quote from John Green, Looking for Alaska

I’m sorry. I know you loved her. It was hard not to.

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