Jason Reitman movies

Jason Reitman | movies

There are only so many movies you can direct. And yet there are movies that I want to make sure make it to the screen in as honest a way as possible.

Jason Reitman movies

Jason Reitman | movies

There certainly is no secret in that there are plenty of people who don’t like plenty of my movies. Each one of my films is personal each one of my films is emotionally autobiographical. And I like directors who do that. With each one of my films, I’m exploring one of my own issues and I try to expose myself a little in the film.

Jason Reitman movies

Jason Reitman | movies

I hate movies that tell people what to think. I’m proud that Democrats thought ‘Thank You For Smoking’ was their film and Republicans thought it was theirs. I’m proud that pro-choice people thought ‘Juno’ was their film and pro-life people thought it was theirs.

Jason Reitman movies

Jason Reitman | movies

I’m trying to figure myself out through my movies. Whether it’s big stuff like what we’re doing here, or little stuff like, ‘Why aren’t I happier?’ With every film I feel like I’m apologising for something. I feel I’m most successful when I’m looking for something that embarrasses me about my character that I’d like to expose.

Jason Reitman movies

Jason Reitman | movies

Being the son of a filmmaker, you are aware of a career as a director. You don’t think of it as just movies, but as a life.

hope Jason Reitman

Jason Reitman | hope

I don’t want to make films that give you the answer. If there is a message to my films – and I hope there isn’t – it’s to be open-minded.

hope Jason Reitman

Jason Reitman | hope

When you’re young, you want to make every kind of film: musicals, Westerns, horror. Slowly you begin to hear your own voice. I hope people receive what I do as small, personal films that are somewhat contrarian about their main characters.

funny Jason Reitman

Jason Reitman | funny

It’s funny, I can sit through the worst horror film ever made but even a quite good romantic comedy can drive me nuts.

Famous Jason Reitman

Jason Reitman | famous

I hear the way people talk about the children of famous people. They’re not treated very well. The presumptions are usually quite awful. So I tried to establish myself with a couple of movies. After ‘Juno’ I thought: ‘I think I’ve defined myself enough as my own director that I’d love to work with my father.’

Famous Jason Reitman

Jason Reitman | famous

I’ve been very, very lucky in my career, in my life – from day one. When aspiring directors say, ‘What’s your advice?’ first I say, ‘Be born the son of a famous director. It’s invaluable.’

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