Jane Campion poetry

Jane Campion | poetry

I have to admit that I had a lot of problems with poetry.

Jane Campion poetry

Jane Campion | poetry

As for how criticism of Keats’ poetry relates to criticism of my own work, I’ll leave that for others to decide.

Jane Campion movies

Jane Campion | movies

I think I made good movies.

Jane Campion movies

Jane Campion | movies

I had a daughter who was 9 years old and I had the feeling I wasn’t going to be a real parent if I didn’t quit making movies for a while and spend time with her. I also felt that I’d made enough movies and said what I had to say at the time.

Jane Campion knowledge

Jane Campion | knowledge

My musical knowledge is so bad it’s embarrassing. When composers discuss music with someone as primitive as myself, they have to talk about it in terms of senses and emotion, rather than keys and tempo.

Jane Campion

Jane Campion | imagination

There’s no artist in this world that doesn’t enjoy the dream that if they have bad reviews now, the story of Keats can redeem them, in their fantasy or imagination, in the future. I think Keats’ poem ‘Endymion’ is a really difficult poem, and I’m not surprised that a lot of people pulled it apart in a way.

Jane Campion

Jane Campion | imagination

I feel that directors at times are like the janitors on the set. I am the secretary, I am the organizer, I am the maid, and I ask if they have eaten or rested. The best things are always out of your control. It’s those moments that surpass the imagination that are thrilling.

Jane Campion

Jane Campion | imagination

I can get very philosophical and ask the questions Keats was asking as a young guy. What are we here for? What’s a soul? What’s it all about? What is thinking about, imagination?

Home Jane Campion

Jane Campion | home

Performers are so vulnerable. They’re frightened of humiliation, sure their work will be crap. I try to make an environment where it’s warm, where it’s OK to fail – a kind of home, I suppose.

future Jane Campion

Jane Campion | future

There’s no artist in this world that doesn’t enjoy the dream that if they have bad reviews now, the story of Keats can redeem them, in their fantasy or imagination, in the future. I think Keats’ poem ‘Endymion’ is a really difficult poem, and I’m not surprised that a lot of people pulled it apart in a way.

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