Food James Madison

James Madison | food

The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy.

education James Madison

James Madison | education

Whenever a youth is ascertained to possess talents meriting an education which his parents cannot afford, he should be carried forward at the public expense.

communication James Madison

James Madison | communication

A man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.

best James Madison

James Madison | best

Learned Institutions ought to be favorite objects with every free people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.

best James Madison

James Madison | best

Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages.

best James Madison

James Madison | best

A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.

alone James Madison

Quote from James Madison | alone


alone James Madison

Quote from James Madison | alone


James Madison Letters and Other Writings of James Madison Volume 3

Quote from James Madison, Letters and Other Writings of James Madison Volume 3

Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind, and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every expanded prospect.]

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