the spiritual couplets of Maula

Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Masnavi i Man’avi, the spiritual couplets of Maula

Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.

Love: The Joy That Wounds: The Love Poems of Rumi

Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Love: The Joy That Wounds: The Love Poems of Rumi

Bitter your acts, bitter am I,Kindness your deeds, kindness am I,Pleasant and gentle, so you are,Fine honeyed lips and sweet talker.

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Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Hush, Don’t Say Anything to God: Passionate Poems of Rumi

Do you know what you are?You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter.You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself;everything that you want, you are already that.

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Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Divan of Rumi: Selected Poems

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.The wound is the place where the Light enters you.Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.

Rumi: Swallowing the Sun: Poems Translated from Persian

Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Rumi: Swallowing the Sun: Poems Translated from Persian

SUDDEN RESURRECTION! Endless mercy!Blazing fire in the thickets of thought! Today you came laughing Unlocking dungeons Came to the meek Like god’s grace and bountyYou are the antechamber to the sunYou are the hope’s prerequisite You are sought Seeker Terminus PrincipiaYou pulse in every chest adorn every idea then permit their realizationSpirit- spring, irreplaceableDelight of action and cognition.All the rest is pretext, fraud- the former, illness; the latter, cureWe’re jaundiced by that fraudHeart-set to slay an innocentDrunk, now on angel eyesNow on plain bread and soupTaste this intoxication, drop your ratiocination Savor these delectable Drop the debatablesA little bread and greensShould not entail so much trouble*Ghazal 1

The Essential Rumi

Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, The Essential Rumi

God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one

Night and Sleep

Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Night and Sleep

An eye is meant to see things.The soul is here for its own joy.A head has one use: For loving a true love.Feet: To chase after.Love is for vanishing into the sky. The mind,for learning what men have done and tried to do.Mysteries are not to be solved: The eye goes blindwhen it only wants to see why.A lover is always accused of something.But when he finds his love, whatever was lostin the looking comes back completely changed.

Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.I’ll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grassthe world is too full to talk about.

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Quote from Jalaluddin Rumi, Words of Paradise: Selected Poems of Rumi

A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home.

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