Lover Enshrined

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Enshrined

After a moment, Wrath turned to John. “This is Lassiter, the fallen angel. One of the last times he was here on earth, there was a plague in central Europe-“”Okay, that was so not my fault-“”-which wiped out two-thirds of the human population.””I’d like to remind you that you don’t like humans.””They smell bad when they’re dead.””All you mortal types do.

Lover Mine

Quote from J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

You never knew the last time you were seeing someone. You didn’t know when the last argument happened, or the last time you had sex, or the last time you looked into their eyes and thanked God they were in your life.After they were gone?That was all you thought about.Day and night.

All Quotes

Quote from J.R. Ward, Dark Lover

Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, he thought. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistable urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee.

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