David O. McKay Pathways to Happiness

Quote from David O. McKay, Pathways to Happiness

Happiness consists not of having, but of being; not of possessing, but of enjoying. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself. A martyr at the stake may have happiness that a king on his throne might envy. Man is the creator of his own happiness. It is the aroma of life, lived in harmony with high ideals. For what a man has he may be dependent upon others; what he is rests with him alone.

Oscar Wilde

Quote from Oscar Wilde

A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham

Quote from W. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage

It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched for they are full of the truthless ideal which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real, they are bruised and wounded. It looks as if they were victims of a conspiracy; for the books they read, ideal by the necessity of selection, and the conversation of their elders, who look back upon the past through a rosy haze of forgetfulness, prepare them for an unreal life. They must discover for themselves that all they have read and all they have been told are lies, lies, lies; and each discovery is another nail driven into the body on the cross of life.

Ron Baratono The Writings of Ron Baratono

Quote from Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono

We will never find the perfect job, relationship, or situation. What we can do is search for happiness. Our ideals in life are set by others, and it’s because they haven’t mastered the art of the happiness search.

The Varieties of Religious Experience William James

Quote from William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience

We must judge the tree by its fruit. The best fruits of the religious experience are the best things history has to offer. The highest flights of charity, devotion, trust, patience, and bravery to which the wings of human nature have spread themselves, have all been flown for religious ideals.

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