
Emily Blunt | history

Watch the History Channel if you want it literal and historically perfect.

Arthur Ashe history

Arthur Ashe | history

You learn about equality in history and civics, but you find out life is not really like that.

Danica Patrick history

Danica Patrick | history

I think there’s a lot of deep-rooted history in England with racing. Lots of Formula One teams are based there. Formula One is obviously a huge sport over in England and Europe.


Garth Brooks | history

There’s a difference between knowing what’s on the page in a history book and actually feeling that page have curves and valleys.

history Ma Jian

Ma Jian | history

When history is erased, people’s moral values are also erased.

Dominic Monaghan history

Dominic Monaghan | history

If I had a choice as to my perfect career, I would make a couple of films a year and then concentrate on natural history.

history Jennifer Granholm

Jennifer Granholm | history

From a reality perspective, I’m sure part of that is true, but this is the largest blackout in U.S. history. If that is not a signal that we have got a problem that needs to be fixed, I don’t know what is.

history Potter Stewart

Potter Stewart | history

The 4th Amendment and the personal rights it secures have a long history. At the very core stands the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable governmental intrusion.


Bhumibol Adulyadej | history

In Thailand’s history there have been dissensions from time to time, but in general, unity has prevailed.


Anita Roddick | history

All through history, there have always been movements where business was not just about the accumulation of proceeds but also for the public good.

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