history Rahm Emanuel

Rahm Emanuel | history

When President Obama entered the White House, the economy was in a free-fall. The auto industry: on its back. The banks: frozen up. More than three million Americans had already lost their jobs. And America’s bravest, our men and women in uniform, were fighting what would soon be the longest wars in our history.

Bruce Springsteen history

Bruce Springsteen | history

The audiences are there as a result of my history with the band but also as a result of my being able to reach people with a tune.


Rosa Luxemburg | history

History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat.

Damien Hirst history

Damien Hirst | history

But I think it’s more that when you’re young, you’re invincible, you’re immortal – or at least you think you are. The possibilities are limitless, you’re inventing the future. Then you get older and suddenly you have a history. It’s fixed. You can’t change anything. I find that a bit disturbing, to be honest.


Ralph Abernathy | history

Christians should be ready for a change because Jesus was the greatest changer in history.

Erica Jong history

Erica Jong | history

The stones themselves are thick with history, and those cats that dash through the alleyways must surely be the ghosts of the famous dead in feline disguise.


Leopold Von Ranke | history

You have reckoned that history ought to judge the past and to instruct the contemporary world as to the future. The present attempt does not yield to that high office. It will merely tell how it really was.

history LL Cool J

LL Cool J | history

I’m not giving up my history and what I’ve done in my music because I love it and I’m very proud of it. I just want to open it up for more people.


Eldridge Cleaver | history

History could pass for a scarlet text, its jot and title graven red in human blood.


Murray Gell-Mann | history

So the old Copenhagen interpretation needs to be generalized, needs to be replaced by something that can be used for the whole universe, and can be used also in cases where there is plenty of individuality and history.

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