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Quote from Grace Sara, Awakening in the 21st Century: Surviving a Spiritually Dormant Society

Surrendering is not giving up–it is gaining strength.

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Quote from Grace Sara

If you take society’s definition of knowing oneself, you will become lost in the many translations.


Quote from Osho

With me, illusions are bound to be shattered. I am here to shatter all illusions. Yes, it will irritate you, it will annoy you – that’s my way of functioning and working. I will sabotage you from your very roots! Unless you are totally destroyed as a mind, there is no hope for you.

Quote from John G. Lake

The glory of God is as destructive of evil as it is creative of good.

The Four Seasons Way of Life:: Ancient Wisdom for Healing and Personal Growth Tobe Hanson

Quote from Tobe Hanson, The Four Seasons Way of Life:: Ancient Wisdom for Healing and Personal Growth

If you feel anxiety or depression, you are not in the present. You are either anxiously projecting the future or depressed and stuck in the past. The only thing you have any control over is the present moment; simple breathing exercises can make us calm and present instantly.

Lawrence N. Powell the Holocaust Troubled Memory: Anne Levy

Quote from Lawrence N. Powell, Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust, and David Duke’s Louisiana

Public truth telling is a form of recovery, especially when combined with social action. Sharing traumatic experiences with others enables victims to reconstruct repressed memory, mourn loss, and master helplessness, which is trauma’s essential insult. And, by facilitating reconnection to ordinary life, the public testimony helps survivors restore basic trust in a just world and overcome feelings of isolation. But the talking cure is predicated on the existence of a community willing to bear witness. ‘Recovery can take place only within the context of relationships,’ write Judith Herman. ‘It cannot occur in isolation.

The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There

Quote from Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There

For there are two kinds of forgiveness in the world: the one you practice because everything really is all right, and what went before is mended. The other kind of forgiveness you practice because someone needs desperately to be forgiven, or because you need just as badly to forgive them, for a heart can grab hold of old wounds and go sour as milk over them.

The River of Winged Dreams

Quote from Aberjhani, The River of Winged Dreams

Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.

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Quote from Grace Sara, Awakening in the 21st Century: Considering Existence

Your actions show what you know, and your replies to obstacles give clarity into what you will learn.

Quote from Courtney A. Walsh

Dear Human:You’ve got it all wrong.You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. This is where you came from and where you’ll return.You came here to learn personal love.Universal love.Messy love.Sweaty Love.Crazy love.Broken love.Whole love.Infused with divinity.Lived through the grace of stumbling.Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up.Often.You didn’t come here to be perfect, you already are.You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous.And rising again into remembering.But unconditional love? Stop telling that story.Love in truth doesn’t need any adjectives.It doesn’t require modifiers.It doesn’t require the condition of perfection.It only asks you to show up.And do your best.That you stay present and feel fully.That you shine and fly and laugh and cry and hurt and heal and fall and get back up and play and work and live and die as YOU.Its enough.It’s Plenty.

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