
Adam Ant | great

Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.

Condoleezza Rice great

Condoleezza Rice | great

The essence of America – that which really unites us – is not ethnicity, or nationality or religion – it is an idea – and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things.

Frank Lloyd Wright great

Frank Lloyd Wright | great

Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.

great Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal | great

Any great warrior is also a scholar, and a poet, and an artist.

great Joseph Addison

Joseph Addison | great

Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn.

great John W. Gardner

John W. Gardner | great

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities – brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.

great John Ruskin

John Ruskin | great

A great thing can only be done by a great person and they do it without effort.

Frank Lloyd Wright great

Frank Lloyd Wright | great

A great architect is not made by way of a brain nearly so much as he is made by way of a cultivated, enriched heart.


Malcolm Gladwell | great

The great accomplishment of Jobs’s life is how effectively he put his idiosyncrasies – his petulance, his narcissism, and his rudeness – in the service of perfection.

Barry Goldwater great

Barry Goldwater | great

It’s a great country, where anybody can grow up to be president… except me.

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