graduation Leigh Steinberg

Leigh Steinberg | graduation

It is soooooo necessary to get the basic skills, because by the time you graduate, undergraduate or graduate, that field would have totally changed from your first day of school.

graduation Joe Baca

Joe Baca | graduation

Catholic school graduates exhibit a wide variety of qualities that will not only help them in their careers but also in their family and community lives.

Carol Burnett graduation

Carol Burnett | graduation

We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.


Bob Newhart | graduation

I was never a Certified Public Accountant. I just had a degree in accounting. It would require passing a test, which I would not have been able to do.

graduation Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter | graduation

In this outward and physical ceremony we attest once again to the inner and spiritual strength of our Nation. As my high school teacher, Miss Julia Coleman, used to say: ‘We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.’

graduation R. Lee Ermey

R. Lee Ermey | graduation

Even though I disagree with many of the changes, when I see the privates graduate at the end of the day, when they walk off that drill field at the end of the ceremony, they are still fine privates outstanding, well motivated privates.

graduation Marian Wright Edelman

Marian Wright Edelman | graduation

Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.

Conan O'Brien graduation

Conan O’Brien | graduation

Earlier today, Arnold Schwarzenegger criticized the California school system, calling it disastrous. Arnold says California’s schools are so bad that its graduates are willing to vote for me.

graduation Miguel de Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes | graduation

For a man to attain to an eminent degree in learning costs him time, watching, hunger, nakedness, dizziness in the head, weakness in the stomach, and other inconveniences.

graduation Norman Cousins

Norman Cousins | graduation

It makes little difference how many university courses or degrees a person may own. If he cannot use words to move an idea from one point to another, his education is incomplete.

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