
apologetics, christ, christmas, god, grace, jesus, love, materialism, mercy, peace, reality, salvation, santa-claus, sin, spirituality, stuff, superhero

The reality of loving God is loving him like he’s a Superhero who actually saved you from stuff rather than a Santa Claus who merely gave you some stuff.

apologetics, christ, christmas, god, grace, jesus, love, materialism, mercy, peace, reality, salvation, santa-claus, sin, spirituality, stuff, superhero Read More »

Quote from Robert Farrar Capon, Between Noon & Three: Romance, Law & the Outrage of Grace

…there is therefore now no condemnation for two reasons: you are dead now; and God, as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, has been dead all along. The blame game was over before it started. It really was. All Jesus did was announce that truth and tell you it would make you free. It was admittedly a dangerous thing to do. You are a menace. Be he did it; and therefore, menace or not, here you stand: uncondemned, forever, now. What are you going to do with your freedom?

Quote from Robert Farrar Capon, Between Noon & Three: Romance, Law & the Outrage of Grace Read More »

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