
Gary Gygax | women

Gaming in general is a male thing. It isn’t that gaming is designed to exclude women. Everybody who’s tried to design a game to interest a large female audience has failed. And I think that has to do with the different thinking processes of men and women.


Gary Gygax | intelligence

When AI approximates Machine Intelligence, then many online and computer-run RPGs will move towards actual RPG activity. Nonetheless, that will not replace the experience of ‘being there,’ any more than seeing a theatrical motion picture can replace the stage play.


Gary Gygax | experience

There is no winning or losing, but rather the value is in the experience of imagining yourself as a character in whatever genre you’re involved in, whether it’s a fantasy game, the Wild West, secret agenst or whatever else. You get to sort of vicariously experience those things.


Gary Gygax | experience

The essence of a role-playing game is that it is a group, cooperative experience.


Gary Gygax | design

Gaming in general is a male thing. It isn’t that gaming is designed to exclude women. Everybody who’s tried to design a game to interest a large female audience has failed. And I think that has to do with the different thinking processes of men and women.

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