Food James Madison

James Madison | food

The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy.

Emily Dickinson Food

Emily Dickinson | food

Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate.

Food Julia Child

Julia Child | food

Animals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible, and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.

Christian Nestell Bovee Food

Christian Nestell Bovee | food

Music is the fourth great material want, first food, then clothes, then shelter, then music.

Food Woody Allen

Woody Allen | food

The food here is terrible, and the portions are too small.


Edmund Leach | food

Men do not have to cook their food they do so for symbolic reasons to show they are men and not beasts.

Desiderius Erasmus Food

Desiderius Erasmus | food

When I get a little money I buy books and if any is left I buy food and clothes.

Food John Ruskin

John Ruskin | food

The first duty of government is to see that people have food, fuel, and clothes. The second, that they have means of moral and intellectual education.

Food Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki | food

Money is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air and housing, it affects everything yet for some reason the world of academics thinks it’s a subject below their social standing.

Food Ursula Andress

Ursula Andress | food

I take care of my flowers and my cats. And enjoy food. And that’s living.

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