Food Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese | food

If your mother cooks Italian food, why should you go to a restaurant?

Food Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese | food

The fact that food plays such an important part in my films has everything to do with my family.

Food Heidi Klum

Heidi Klum | food

It’s not difficult for me to stay healthy. I like healthy food.

Emeril Lagasse Food

Emeril Lagasse | food

My inspiration was my mom. She’s a great cook, and she still cooks, and we still banter back and forth about cooking. Growing up in a mostly Portuguese community, food was important and the family table was extremely important. At a very young age I understood that.

David Duchovny Food

David Duchovny | food

I love dogs. They live in the moment and don’t care about anything except affection and food. They’re loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated.

Food Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull | food

If I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children’s mouths, and I do not wish to be that mean.

Food Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese | food

Food tells you everything about the way people live and who they are.

Drew Barrymore Food

Drew Barrymore | food

I love inventive food, but I want the classic dishes to taste like how I remember them. I get a little bummed out when there is too much fancy stuff going on and it doesn’t resemble the original dish at all.

Food Jeff Bridges

Jeff Bridges | food

I first got involved with ending world hunger, and I got hip to the facts about it – what a huge problem it was and how it wasn’t a matter of not having food or not knowing how to end it, but it was a matter of creating the political will.

Bill Watterson Food

Bill Watterson | food

So, what’s it like in the real world? Well, the food is better, but beyond that, I don’t recommend it.

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