
Heston Blumenthal | food

You think about some of the most memorable meals you’ve ever had the food will be good but it will often be about locating a mental memory and taste is inexorably linked to all the other senses and memory, so ultimately it is all about taste.


Evo Morales | food

It’s easy for people in an air-conditioned room to continue with the policies of destruction of Mother Earth. We need instead to put ourselves in the shoes of families in Bolivia and worldwide that lack water and food and suffer misery and hunger.

Food Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee | food

When I came to the Food Network, I didn’t want to do a cooking show. I told Kathleen Finch for nine months I didn’t want to do a cooking show, I wanted to do a home-and-garden show.

Food Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee | food

I’m not sure that some of the food purists are in touch with what really goes on in American households.

Food Gail Simmons

Gail Simmons | food

It’s better to get the nutrients for healthy skin from food, not supplements. Salmon, walnuts, blueberries, spinach… lots of my favorite foods happen to be amazing for skin too.

Food Gail Simmons

Gail Simmons | food

There are days when I literally have to eat 17 plates of food – it’s intense. It’s about moderation. You just need a few bites to get the gist of a dish.

Food Gail Simmons

Gail Simmons | food

Find combinations of flavors you love and buy the best quality ingredients you can afford. Your food is only going to be as good as the sum of its parts, like anything else.

Food Suzanne Fields

Suzanne Fields | food

Fast sex, like fast food, is cheap, but it doesn’t nourish the body – or the soul.


Heston Blumenthal | food

To me, food is as much about the moment, the occasion, the location and the company as it is about the taste.

Food Gail Simmons

Gail Simmons | food

I’m tempted by everything. My husband makes fun of me because every day it’s a new food that I love. I have a weakness for butterscotch pudding, ice cream in any flavor and dark chocolate, although that’s one thing I do keep in my house – 70% dark chocolate.

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