family Ron Wyden

Ron Wyden | family

While Free Choice Vouchers didn’t fulfill my vision of a health care system in which every American would be empowered to hire and fire their insurance company, they were a foothold for choice and competition and a safety valve for Americans whose employers are already forcing them to bear more and more of their family’s health insurance costs.


Joyce Maynard | family

More than any other setting – more than battlefields or boardrooms or a spaceship headed for intergalactic travel – I’ll put my money on the family to provide an endless source of comedy, tragedy and intrigue.


Andrea Martin | family

But I am Armenian and I understand what it is to lose a country and lose a family and have massacres and genocides and everything against my people.


Christopher Monckton | family

The importance of human life should be universally respected – and that refers to children before they are born and after. All children have the right to be brought up in a loving two-parent family where the notion of divorce is not even possible.


Bob Geldof | family

And whereas women had to fight to find their way into the workforce, men are now fighting to reclaim their place in the family structure.

Charlize Theron family

Charlize Theron | family

I’ve always known I wanted a family.

Cat Cora family

Cat Cora | family

I would like a food/lifestyle show. We’re not sure what that is yet. I want to be able to share what I do and how I raise my family. I feel like I have a story to tell. I enjoy talking and listening, sharing ideas and sharing advice.


Robert Griffin III | family

My parents did a great job raising me and my two sisters. We all graduated from high school and we all graduated from college. So, to be a good representative of my family is probably my greatest accomplishment thus far.


Emma Bunton | family

My family brought me up to be very respectful of people.

Cat Cora family

Cat Cora | family

I’ve been experimenting more and more with LN2, liquid nitrogen. I’ve used it in battle on ‘Iron Chef America,’ but have also made some great ice creams at home for my family. Since it freezes basically on contact, you can have ice cream ready in mere minutes.

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