
Anna Howard Shaw | equality

Think of submitting our measure to the advice of politicians! I would as soon submit the subject of the equality of a goose to a fox.

equality Laura Chinchilla

Laura Chinchilla | equality

The Internet is the hope of an integrated world without frontiers, a common world without controlling owners, a world of opportunities and equality. This is a utopia that we have been dreaming about and is a world in which each and every one of us are protagonists of a destiny that we have in our hands.


Eleanor Holmes Norton | equality

On the road to equality there is no better place for blacks to detour around American values than in forgoing its example in the treatment of its women and the organization of its family.


Arthur Hugh Clough | equality

The highest political buzz word is not liberty, equality, fraternity or solidarity it is service.


Charlotte Bunch | equality

What is being called the UN ‘gender architecture’ is more like a shack. Women need a bigger global house if equality is ever to become a reality.

equality Louis de Bernières

Louis de Bernieres | equality

Family law is institutionally anti-male. I’ve been lobbying MPs, and I’m not going to give up campaigning for equality until I get equality.


Maureen Reagan | equality

I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there.


Carolyn Maloney | equality

The only way to ensure equality for women is to clearly declare it in our Constitution.

equality Tarja Halonen

Tarja Halonen | equality

The goal of the EU is to form a region of freedom, security and justice. Freedom in this connection cannot be just the freedom of the strong, but it must be combined with fraternity and equality.

equality Mordecai Wyatt Johnson

Mordecai Wyatt Johnson | equality

Now they have come to the place where their faith can no longer feed on the bread of repression and violence. They ask for the bread of liberty, of public equality, and public responsibility. It must not be denied them.

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