equality Slobodan Milosevic

Slobodan Milosevic | equality

Equality means nothing unless incorporated into the institutions.

equality Lyman Trumbull

Lyman Trumbull | equality

The bill neither confers nor abridges the rights of anyone but simply declares that in civil rights there shall be equality among all classes of citizens and that all alike shall be subject to the same punishment.

equality Slobodan Milosevic

Slobodan Milosevic | equality

Yugoslavia is a multinational community and it can survive only under the conditions of full equality for all nations that live in it.


Alice S. Rossi | equality

Demands for equality for women are threats to men’s self-esteem and sense of sexual turf.


John Hope | equality

If money, education, and honesty will not bring to me as much privilege, as much equality as they bring to any American citizen, then they are to me a curse, and not a blessing.


Johanna Siguroardottir | equality

The Nordic countries are leading the way on women’s equality, recognizing women as equal citizens rather than commodities for sale.

equality Laurence Tribe

Laurence Tribe | equality

There are a lot of things that fit on a bumper sticker in terms of either liberty or equality or progress that when made more concrete just don’t pan out.


Harlan Stone | equality

Distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry are by their very nature odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality.

equality Tran Duc Luong

Tran Duc Luong | equality

Humanistic values of equality and equal rights for all nations and individuals as crystallized in the principles of the United Nations Charter are mankind’s great achievements in the 20th century.


Janez Drnovsek | equality

Dreams from 1991 are becoming reality. We will build good relations between nations and people. We will strive towards mutual respect and equality of every individual, sex, race and national or any other minority.

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