Elbert Hubbard Fear

Elbert Hubbard | fear

The thing we fear we bring to pass.

Elbert Hubbard Fear

Elbert Hubbard | fear

Fear clogs faith liberates.

Elbert Hubbard Fear

Elbert Hubbard | fear

Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority.

Elbert Hubbard Faith

Elbert Hubbard | faith

Fear clogs faith liberates.

Elbert Hubbard Faith

Elbert Hubbard | faith

Love, we say, is life but love without hope and faith is agonizing death.

Elbert Hubbard failure

Elbert Hubbard | failure

The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it: so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it.

Elbert Hubbard failure

Elbert Hubbard | failure

A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience.

Elbert Hubbard failure

Elbert Hubbard | failure

Optimism is a kind of heart stimulant – the digitalis of failure.

Elbert Hubbard failure

Elbert Hubbard | failure

A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.

Elbert Hubbard failure

Elbert Hubbard | failure

There is no failure except in no longer trying.

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