Sunday Adelaja

Quote from Sunday Adelaja

Show the youth the consequences of their actions and why they should choose wisely

Quote from Craig D. Lounsbrough, Flecks of Gold on a Path of Stone: Simple Truths for Life’s Complex Journey

To be careless in making decisions is to naively believe that a single decision impacts nothing more than that single decision, for a single decision can spawn a thousand others that were entirely unnecessary or it can bring peace to a thousand places we never knew existed.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Quote from Rasheed Ogunlaru

Choose your counsel, company and companions wisely: beware seeking wise words of advice from a fool or expecting informed opinions or decisions from the ignorant.

Perfect Timing: Cultivating Intuitive Intelligence

Quote from Paul O’Brien, Great Decisions, Perfect Timing: Cultivating Intuitive Intelligence

Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.

Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Decisions Peter Kreeft

Quote from Peter Kreeft, Making Choices: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Moral Decisions

Morality means choice. Choice means priorities. Priorities mean a hierarchy. A hierarchy means something at the top, a standard. That is the greatest good. If you have no greatest good, you have no hierarchy, you have no priorities. If you have no priorities, you cannot make intelligent choices. If you cannot make intelligent moral choices, you have no morality. You can still guide your life by your feelings or by social fashions, but that is not choice – not free, responsible, moral choice. Both feelings and fashions push you; you are passive. But moral choice is your own doing; you are active. You are responsible for your choices but not for your feelings or for your environment’s fashions.

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