David Levithan Marly's Ghost

Quote from David Levithan, Marly’s Ghost

Life goes on. Get over it. You’re still young. It’ll get better. Blah, Blah, Blah

David Levithan

Quote from David Levithan, How They Met, and Other Stories

Love doesn’t have to be on Valentine’s Day. It doesn’t have to be by the time you turn eighteen or thirty-three or fifty-nine. It doesn’t have to conform to whatever is usual. It doesn’t have to be kismet at once, or rhapsody by the third day.It just has to be. In time. In place. In spirt.It just has to be.

David Levithan Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

Quote from David Levithan, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist

You know the reason The Beatles made it so big?…’I Wanna Hold Your Hand.’ First single. Fucking brilliant. Perhaps the most fucking brilliant song ever written. Because they nailed it. That’s what everyone wants. Not 24/7 hot wet sex. Not a marriage that lasts a hundred years. Not a Porsche…or a million-dollar crib. No. They wanna hold your hand. They have such a feeling that they can’t hide. Every single successful song of the past fifty years can be traced back to ‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand.’ And every single successful love story has those unbearable and unbearably exciting moments of hand-holding.

David Levithan Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List

Quote from David Levithan, Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List

We always see our worst selves. Our most vulnerable selves. We need someone else to get close enough to tell us we’re wrong. Someone we trust.

David Levithan Six Earlier Days

Quote from David Levithan, Six Earlier Days

Some days are like this. And the only way to get through them is to remember that they are only one day, and that every day ends.

David Levithan Love Is the Higher Law

Quote from David Levithan, Love Is the Higher Law

I want to have faith in strangers. I want to have faith in what we’re all going to do next. But I’m worried. I see things shifting from United We Stand to God Bless America. I don’t believe in God Bless America. I don’t believe a higher power is standing beside us and guiding us. I don’t believe we’re being singled out. I believe much more in United We Stand. I have my doubts, but I want it to be true. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we really came together, if we really found a common humanity? The hitch is that you can’t find a common humanity just because you have a common enemy. You have to find a common humanity because you believe that’s true.

David Levithan The Lover's Dictionary

Quote from David Levithan, The Lover’s Dictionary

It scares me how hard it is to remember life before you. I can’t even make the comparisons anymore, because my memories of that time have all the depth of a photograph. It seems foolish to play games of better and worse. It’s simply a matter of is and is no longer.

David Levithan The Realm of Possibility

Quote from David Levithan, The Realm of Possibility

Once time is lit, it will burn whether or not you’re breathing it in. Even after smoke becomes air, there is the memory of smoke. I am seeing as if by the light of a match, a glimpse of my life and having it feel right.

David Levithan

Quote from David Levithan, Boy Meets Boy

But I think we both knew, even then, that what we had was something even more rare, and even more meaningful. I was going to be his friend, and was going to show him possibilities. And he, in turn, would become someone I could trust more than myself.

David Levithan

Quote from David Levithan, Every Day

This is what love does: It makes you want to rewrite the world. It makes you want to choose the characters, build the scenery, guide the plot. The person you love sits across from you, and you want to do everything in your power to make it possible, endlessly possible. And when it’s just the two of you, alone in a room, you can pretend that this is how it is, this is how it will be.

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